This research paper is aimed at providing a model for error verification and prediction in the use of SMDs using Euler's method of representation with the aims of establishing safety and reliability of the use of SMDs with possible reduction in risk of accidents. Errors arise from readings of the SMDs as a result of usability challenges from embedded software leading to malfunctioning of the devices. A number of research works has focused on errors arising from the use of SMDs.

SMDs are used for healthcare services by medical personnels in such a way that they have to interact with the patients in one form or the other. This research paper focuses on CPS with particular application interest on error prediction in smart medical devices SMDs. CPS has positively affected a number of application areas which include communication, consumer energy, infrastructure, healthcare, manufacturing, military, robotics and transportation. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are integrations of computation with physical processes which are monitored and controlled by the embedded systems. Embedded software is a piece of software that is built in a system or hardware component to achieve an objective.